

Our scoring system can be seen below. Because we have a variety of riders and tests from the US and Canada, we can’t guarantee that your division would have more than one person in it. Therefore, unless you ride in one of our hosted shows, you are not placed based on other riders’ scores, you are competing against yourself.

If you are a member of BDS, you can earn year end points with every test you ride! The points you earn accumulate for year end prizes (given to our top 10 riders in December of each year).

NOTE: For WDAA rides, links to the test as well as scores/points earned according to BDS standards can be seen in the first table on our results page. To view your placing in your month’s WDAA recognized show, scroll to the second table. Ribbons mailed will be according to the BDS standards, unless the rider/horse are WDAA members earning lifetime points.


This applies to:USDF: Intro - First Level
USEA: Beginner Novice - Training
WDAA: Intro - Level 1
Cadora: Walk/Trot - First Level
Canadian Eventing: Entry - Training

1st Place>70%<29.997
2nd Place65-69.99%30-34.995
3rd Place60-64.99%35-39.994
4th Place55-59.99%40-44.993
5th Place50-54.99%45-49.992
6th Place45-49.99%50-54.991
Not placed<44.99%>550


Upper level tests are placed the same, but since difficulty of tests is increased, points awarded are increased. This applies to:USDF: Second Level and up
USEA: Prelim and up
WDAA: Level 2 and up
Cadora: Second Level and up
Canadian Eventing: Prelim and up

1st Place>70%<29.9910
2nd Place65-69.99%30-34.997
3rd Place60-64.99%35-39.995
4th Place55-59.99%40-44.994
5th Place50-54.99%45-49.993
6th Place45-49.99%50-54.992
Not placed<44.99%>550