

Unleashing Equestrian Excellence: The Online Dressage Show with Better Dressage Scores

In the world of equestrian sports, the bond between rider and horse is truly mesmerizing. The elegance, precision, and sheer beauty of dressage capture the hearts of enthusiasts worldwide. Traditionally, dressage competitions have been held in physical arenas, bringing together talented equestrians and their magnificent horses. However, in this digital era, a new trend has emerged — the Online Dressage Show. Let’s explore how this innovative concept is revolutionizing the equestrian world. The Digital Evolution: The online dressage show provides…

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Featured Rider: Violet and Roany

1. How did you find out about BDS? I found BDS on WDAA’s website search for virtual shows for WDAMI (WDAA Michigan Affiliate). It’s been a great experience and the BDS team were wonderful and patient in guiding me through the process. 2. Why is online horse showing so important to you? My original goal this season was to introduce my horse to live shows. It has been a long time since I have shown and I didn’t want to…

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Featured Rider: Miranda and Heart

How did you find out about Better Dressage Scores? Honestly, I can’t remember! My guess is through Facebook. Why is online showing so important to you? At the beginning it was super important because I didn’t have a trailer! It was my only way to consistently show. Then it was the most “bang for my buck”. I can enter 3 classes and get all the add-ons for less than it would cost me to do one schooling show for the same…

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Featured Rider: Wendy and Knight

How Wendy found Better Dressage Scores: With the Covid-19 pandemic and all shows being cancelled I heard that there were virtual shows. I then looked up on the internet and your program seemed so professional and the information on your website seemed like an amazing opportunity for us to continue with our testing. Working 7 days a week at my therapeutic riding center it is hard getting to shows. This helps us to show and progress. I love the judges’…

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May’s Featured Rider

Michelle and her horse, Firefly, live out in Nothern California and are on the road to kicking butt and taking names! She is an eventer with a strong love and deep appreciation for dressage, but very few shows near her offer eventing dressage tests. “It’s really critical that we can get as many points as possible out of our dressage tests.  It was hard for me to get good feedback about these particular tests (in a 20X40 arena) without doing…

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They say smells can bring back a lot of memories. Have you ever smelled something familiar and about 100 memories came flooding back to you? I have, but let me back up some… Back in high school, I got my first horse, Nike. I wish I could say she was the best thing that ever happened to me. That she’s all I had ever dreamed of owning since I was a little girl. But the reality was that she was…

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Let Us Pay For Your Passion

I know what it’s like to love this sport so much it hurts. It hurts that you want to show off all of the hard work you’ve put in to it, to enjoy the weekend with your friends, and to soak in the horse show life. But you know you can’t afford to pay for stabling, training, hauling, or even entry fees, so in the meantime, you’ll happily be the groom for all those who can. But that’s all about…

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Why This Mom Loves Online Horse Shows

Ashleigh is a mom in her thirties, a loving wife, a full time worker, and a passionate equestrian. Unfortunately for her showing career, she is also a resident in a very rural part of Ontario Canada where most dressage shows are 1-2 hours away. Her horse-crazed journey started about 25 years ago when she was a little girl. She’s always loved horses and animals in general, but when her best friend started taking riding lessons, it was time for the begging to start. She bothered her parents for…

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12 Things Broke Equestrians Say

We’d have way more money if our hobby didn’t cost us an arm and a leg, but that doesn’t mean that we don’t penny pinch even within our sport! In honor of that, here’s 12 things broke equestrians say:  “This can be fixed with duct tape.” Ahh, yes. The magical cure-all to life’s problems. Busted boot? Duct tape it. Cracked bucket? Duct tape it. Needs a dash of color? Add pretty duct tape. The options are endless.  “This still has…

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How Coupons Can Help You Horse Show

If you’ve ever seen Extreme Couponing on TLC, you probably feel like couponing is an overwhelming task where you end up with products you don’t use and no place to store it all. But it doesn’t have to be that way! Here are some helpful tips to start you on a coupon journey that will help you save money that you can use towards your horse! Start Small  If you think you’re going to coupon like the experts on TV…

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